To borrow (copy) from a book I’ve been reading, Movie Speak by Tony Bill, the D.P. assumes control of all aspects of the cinematography, sets up the shot, directs, the lighting, talks to the director about camera moves, etc. In addition to all of that I will also handle the storyboarding, setting up lights, and creating the final color grade of the film.
It’s gonna be awesome. I’m really excited to get to work on this script and begin learning every aspect of the filmmaking process so that hopefully I can start making my own back at IWU.
Speaking of getting to work, I took the 2-3 mile hike up to Sunset Blvd. or as I like to call it, the BPZ (Beautiful People Zone), to start my internship at Asylum Entertainment. I got there early and chilled out in the lobby of the Director’s Guild of America (DGA) building so I could stop sweating (the entire 2-3 mile hike is uphill) before I headed to the 2nd floor which houses the Asylum offices. After some routine paperwork (I got to sign a confidentiality form!), I was shown to my desk, shown to my co-workers and boss (Emmy and Peabody-winning boss), and then was shown to my work. Which was.....watching tv! Yes, that is what I did all day. I watched shows produced by Asylum and took notes on shows like......*remembers confidentiality form*....oh yeah. That’s all the intel you’ll get out of this guy. I’m a man of my word.
At 5 o’clock, I began the walk back to Park La Brea, I just let gravity do most of the work, and I saw a few interesting sights. The first one actually occurred when I was headed to McDonald’s. I came across a real life hippie woman. As I walked past her, she gave me the peace sign (who still does that?). “Hey man,” she said as if wanting to be viewed as a stoner/hippie stereotype. “Do you want to help rid the world of nuclear weapons?” I mean, that sounds great and all but at that time one of those new berry smoothies sounded even greater. So I just muttered, “No thank you.”
*sidenote/interupption: it’s 12:30 as I write this and someone just went past my apartment building shouting the F word very loudly.
Anyway, so now some stoner/hippie in Los Angeles thinks I love nuclear weapons and junk.
*other sidenote/interupption: the new smoothies at McDonald’s are stankin’ good.
Another interesting sight I had was on the corner of Fairfax and Santa Monica on my voyage back to the A.P.T. I saw a man, sitting at the corner, indian-style, chanting very obnoxiously with his hands raised to the sky. He also had a pug sitting on his lap.
Shortly after that, I came to a spot on the sidewalk where a tree was rendering half of the sidewalk inoperable. I noticed I was on a collision course with an amazing long haired fellow that was coming the opposite way. Sooooo, I stepped off to the side and let him through first. As he came out from behind the tree, he smirked, clenched his fist, and laid on his chest cavity. He didn’t bump his chest like some meathead sports celebration, he just simply laid his fist on his chest. I don’t know if it was some kind of new agey gang symbol. Either way, we had a mutual respect, me and that long haired dude. Respect.
Other interesting adventures include my first use of public transportation. Kyle (roommate #3) and I went on a late afternoon downtown adventure this past...Labor Day. We hopped on a bus and headed east, right to the heart of Los Angeles. We had no idea where we were going. We just knew we wanted to see stuff. The first stop on our tour was the famous bench from (500) Days of Summer.
Then we aimlessly wandered around a small section of downtown. We saw the famous 2nd Street tunnel (used in Terminator 2) and the Walt Disney Concert Hall (from The Soloist). Oddly, everything was closed on Labor Day, all the restaurants anyway. So, we asked a security guard if there were any good Chinese eateries nearby. He told us to go to Chinatown. What a smart alec. Eventually, we found ourselves inside the Omni Hotel asking for directions. It’s a four diamond hotel....which sounds pretty impressive. And it was impressive. I used their bathroom. I probably wasn't allowed but they seemed to think I was a guest because everyone kept opening doors for me.
Long story short: we gave up on finding food downtown and just went home and found a Chinese place a few blocks away. Sweet. And. Sour. Baby.
In conclusion! I thought I might add that I was in the hot tub tonight, minding my own business, when I look over and see this man sitting opposite me:

Recognize him? He’s Conrad Ecklie from CSI (Grissom’s arch-nemesis)!
Also, here a few things I overheard in the office today:
"That's how I hurt my back. Doing roundhouse kicks over a chair."
"And that's why I don't drunk Tweet anymore."